New to meditation?

Introduction to Meditation

Take our meditation course and learn all about meditation. 
This FREE course includes three 5-minute meditations.  COMING SOON

Master Classes

Breathwork Meditation Workshops

These monthly workshops are 90 minutes in duration and involve teachings on each topic and a breathwork meditation. 

Healing from a Breakup

Breathwork Meditation | Hitesher Gef

Self Love

Breathwork Meditation | Hitesher Gef

Letting Go

Breathwork Meditation | Hitesher Gef

Inner Strength

Breathwork Meditation | Hitesher Gef

Financial Abundance

Breathwork Meditation | Hitesher Gef

Meditation, Pranayama, EFT

The group classes are up to 60 minutes, are fun, interactive, and transformational. Join the community today! 


Every Friday | FREE


Every Monday | FREE


Sundays & Wednesdays | Hitesher Gef

Online Courses, Complimentary Sessions

Join me for these complimentary sessions, or sign up for our online courses. 

Relaxation Hypnosis

Current Clients Only

Self Confidence

Online Course | COMING SOON

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An Unlikely Conversation about Life, Love, God & Sex.

Thomas promised that he could help Jessica turn her life around by offering her ice cream.  By accepting his early morning offering, she didn’t realize that she had set a ripple effect off that would impact her, and other’s lives forever. The next 7 days would offer a conversation, unlike anything Jessica had ever experienced. She was privy to sacred teachings on body, mind, heart and soul…

Other Books Available

Need 1 on 1 support?

Hypnosis as a therapy is used as a behaviour modulator. What we do is influenced by our innermost thoughts and beliefs that are stored at a subconscious level. I help people reprogramme their minds to experience a new life. 

I work with people from across the world daily, in helping them breakthrough their limitations, negative emotions, gain clarity of purpose, mend broken relationships, and be inspired to  live an extraordinary life. 

I offer a range of workshops to the pubilc and corporate sector, related to body, mind, heart and soul, as well as leadership and success. A keynote can be specifically tailored to meet your needs or you may choose one of my list of talks. 

Healing from a Breakup

In this workshop, we will spend 30 minutes discussing:

Why you feel hurt from a breakup, break lopsided perceptions about the other person, begin the process of letting go, and creating the space for love to manifest in your life again.

Thereafter, 20-minutes will be dedicated to answering two powerful questions, with a group sharing.

We will conclude with a 30-minute breathwork meditation to release pain and trauma.

Self Love

The world is a reflection of the love in your heart or lack of it thereof. You experience is directly proportional to the love you carry within yourself, and everything you experience in the outer world is an extension of that love. 30 minutes of this workshop will guide you as to what Self-Love is, with some action steps on how to activate this energy in your life.

Thereafter, 20-minutes will be dedicated to answering two powerful questions, with a group sharing.

We will conclude with a 30-minute breathwork meditation to open up your heart to Self-Love.

Letting Go

Life is a journey that is better experienced when we travel with less baggage. While it is easier to let go, than to hold on, most people will do the latter. We hold on because we either are so used to the pain, or we fear not being able to replace it with something else, or we simply do not know any other way of being and living. We will explore why we hold on, and how to let go in this workshop, whether it is people, things, or thoughts.

Thereafter, 20-minutes will e dedicated to answering four powerful questions, with a group sharing.

We will conclude with a 30-minute breathwork meditation to support you in letting go.

Inner Strength

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Sometimes, we forget our own inner strength. That we have the ability to be emotionally strong, resilient, to be assertive, overcome adversity, and handle anything that comes our way. We will spend the first 30 minutes of the workshop discussing this in detail.

Thereafter, 20-minutes will be dedicated to answering two powerful questions, with a group sharing.

We will conclude with a 30-minute breathwork meditation to develop inner strength.

Financial Abundance

In this workshop, we will spend 30 minutes discussing:

Some of the reasons we have closed the doors to financial abundance, and how to unlock the treasure chest to riches. We will explore concepts such as self-worth, limiting beliefs, explore what you think you deserve, and what may be holding you back from enjoying yourself more financially.

Thereafter, 20-minutes will be dedicated to answering two powerful questions, with a group sharing.

We will conclude with a 30-minute breathwork meditation to be more financially abundant.


“Prana” is energy, or more specifically, vital force. “yama” is to control, and “ayama” means extension. Pranayama is the control and regulation of your breath to expand, enhance and extend your life energy. The benefit of this practice is that the 72000 nadis or energy points in the body are rid of impurities and blockages, and that that there is a balance of the energy systems in your body, known as the Ida and Pingla, which run from the base of your spine to the top of your head.

The result is an increase in energy, quality of sleep, enjoyable relationships, focus, clarity, and wellness.

Join us for this weekly 30-minute masterclass. Book here


EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. It is also known as tapping. EFT a combination of the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. We tap on 9 specific meridian points in the body to dissolve emotional, mental, and even physical pain, in any area of your life. Tapping gives you the opportunity to bring your life back into balance and reduce stress around your relationships, finances, weight, pain, fears, and so much more.

Join us for this 30-minute masterclass, where we will focus on a different area of life every week.


Mind Yoga is a combination of Mindfulness and Meditation and is for people wanting to bring balance and calmness to the mind through simple, effective, and powerful exercises and techniques. 

Its purpose is to master the thoughts, the emotions, and the mind, and to eliminate the effects of stress, worry, and anxiety from everyday life.

It can be practiced by anyone, young or old, fit or unfit, as we work on the most powerful muscle of the body – The Mind.

There are two sessions every week. 

Relaxation Hypnosis

If you have never experienced a hypnosis session before, this will be ideal for you to gift to yourself. You are welcome to have a single session of hypnosis to support you in relaxing. This initial session is complimentary and you are not obligated to book any other sessions. This is a no-strings-attached offer from me to you. ONCE OFF FREE/