Good morning my friendlings!
What a crappy Monday hey? The weather is terrible! My GF dumped me! There’s no money in my bank account. I got this pounding headache, n to top it all, I have a job I don’t like! Did I mention it’s Monday?
Any of the above sound familiar already?
Its all just a STORY, Byron Katie asks “Who would you be without your story?”
Every story that’s told, brings about a emotion. Every emotion that is felt, creates a vibration within you. The frequency at which you vibrate brings to you similar situations. What this means is your story has a sequel, n 3quel, 4quel….it becomes a never ending story, n so your life becomes the story you keep telling yourself. Imagine, today n just for today, you didn’t have your story. Who would you be without your story?
What’s really being asked are the ffg:
1. Who would u be without your fears?
2. Who would u be without your excuses?
3. Who would u be without your thoughts?
4. Who would u be without your limiting beliefs?
5. Who would u be without your heartbreak?
6. Who would u be without your illness?
7. Who would u be with your pain?
8. Who would u be without other peoples opinions?
9. Who would u be without your dead end job?
10. Who would u be without the your circumstances?
Answer the questions, n FEEL what it feels like to be without your story. Suddenly, nothing n no-one can stand in your way…
You live in infinite possibilities!
There are only 3 important moments in your life.
1. The day you were born.
2. The day you decide to follow your heart
3. The day you make your dreams come true.
When you commit to follow your heart, and go after your dreams, mind transcends all limitations, thoughts break all bonds, and you find yourself in a new and great world, than you could have ever imagined!
So, who would you be without your bullshit story?