Who will cry..when you die?

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Good Morning,

Robin Sharma wrote a book called “Who will cry when you die?” I haven’t had a chance to read it yet but isn’t that an interesting title?

If you knew that today you would die, what would you like to say? I asked myself that question and I would only say 4 things. All alignment with the Ho’oponopono teachings.

It would be:
1. I’m sorry
2. Please forgive me
3. Thank you
4. I love you

This is to all the hearts I have broken. But I’m only a little sorry, for I know that that which breaks into pieces, can be put together to make a beautiful mosaic. This apology is also to those I have been rude to, mean, cold & have hurt unconsciously and especially consciously. It was never ever you. I must have been having a bad day.

This is to myself. Hitesh, you did the best the best you could, and for all the times you pushed yourself and were too hard on yourself, I forgive you. You never needed to be the best in the world. You only needed to be the best you could be. Dude, I don’t care what anyone says, YOU ROCKED!!!

This is the hundreds of teachers who have come to my life in various forms. Especially all the kids in the various orphanages I have had the chance to visit. You have shown me that the most precious thing in the world is a hug. Thank you. When you hug, your heart connects with another. Literally.

To myself. To my parents. My brothers. My grandmothers. My family. My friends. I have only as many friends as there are letters in the word FRIENDS. To those who have believed in my dreams, and to those that didn’t, for both have pushed me towards achieving them. To those that have dared to dream. To those who have decided to follow your heart. I am your biggest fan.

So that’s it. It’s your turn.

Who will cry when you die?
If you knew today was your last day on earth what would you say?

Hitesh Surujbally
Human Being & Dream Maker

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