All about the heart

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Good Morning!
The Heart. <3

Here are things you may not have known abt the heart:

1. It has more neurons than the brain. Neurons are brain cells. So when Master Jesus said “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” He knew what he was talking about.

2. The Heart has a bigger electromagnetic field than the brain OR any other organ for that matter. Ur heart has the capacity to power up an entire city for Days. Remember the Matrix? Remember Duracell? Remember what the Aliens used us for? There is nothing fictional in that Movie.

3. The heart is where the soul sits. It is where the real you is. That is why when people ask “Who are u?” U place your hand on your heart area n say “I am the most magnificent being alive!” You would never place your hand on your belly or your head or your nose or your bottom! (Hehe bottom – Despicable Me 2)

4. When your partner leaves u, ur heart doesn’t break. That thing can take a pounding! Trust me! If it broke you will be dead. Heartbreak is a dis-ease in the body due the lack of the hormone dopamine. In other words you are having withdrawal symptoms. You’re an addict. With time u chemically readjust.

5. Ur heart gives out a vibrational pulse that determines the things, people & resources that u draw to u.

6. When we say “Follow your heart” what we mean by that is: Your soul is a minute essence of God. A particle of God. A cell of God. No wait,hold on, I’m writing this all as it comes through: Who is to say that it is a small part of God? The word small is a SIZE. Size is a variable related to time and space. We cannot find God in time and space.  How do we know how big God is? How do we know how small God is?
God is as big as the universe (which is ever expanding) God is as small as planks constant (smalled know size to man). So, it may just be, as the ancient texts says: GOD is really in ur heart! NOT JUST a part of him!  Follow your heart = Follow God within

There’s so much more! Attend my seminars or workshops to hear more about the heart. Ill leave it there for now!


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