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Good morning,

Over the last few years I have shared with you potent information which I know has been transformational, if simply not just inspirational. I have introduced you to universal and spiritual truths, and I have introduced you to the real you. I have given you, at the very least, a glimpse into your soul and dared you to look at what is within your heart. But of everything I have aspired to teach you, there really is no topic that supercedes “The Art of Allowing. ” One day, and I will say one day, even though I believe ‘one of these days’ is ‘none of these days’ therefore I say SOON. But in this case I will say, one day I will write a book with that title, because I am fully qualified to do so yet.

I am in grade 10 of this subject matter and I can share what I know from that level.

The Art of Allowing, is broken down into 2 sections. The science of letting it be AND The science of letting it go. So how can 2 sciences give you an art? Well bringing the 2 together into practical application is a real art and requires eons of hours of practice.

To let things be is to have full Faith and Trust in a power that is no more outside of you than it is inside of you. You come to a realisation that what is, is so perfect in this moment, that you actually give thanks for it. You ‘give up’ fighting. Fighting is resistance. Life is like dancing with a partner. You never really know which move comes next, and which part of the dance floor you will end up in, but you let your partner lead, and the dance is graceful. But imagine if you want to go left and your partner right! It will be nothing short of a disaster. You are in resistant of each other. You must let God/Source/Universe take the lead. And you must trust the dancer, your partner. You can either enjoy the dance or become annoyed. The choice is yours. I choose, let it be.

To let it go means you are detached from results and outcome. You stop the worry bug. Your mind shuts up, finally. You sleep like a baby. Anything you try to control or own, will eventually control and own you in some form or way. So simply let it go.

To bring these both together into allowing means your body goes into total ease and relaxation. You become an open channel for the flow of God energy to course through your spine making you a magnet for all those heart desires.

To remind you, the Book called A course in Miracles (cost is R500 but worth the investment) says, “If you knew who walked your side on this path you have chosen, you will never know fear!”
Master and teacher of Love, Avathar Sathya Sai Baba says, “Why fear when I am near?” What more reassurance do you need?

Be at ease, let it be, let it go, be patient.
These are not done in order to get you to a specific outcome. It simply gives you what we all really seek. PEACE.

Om… Shanti Shanti Shanti.
Peace. Peace. Peace


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