There are 4 words, that if you repeat to yourself is certain to bring you what you want. Those 4 words when put together form a question.
It is probably the most powerful words you can use in manifesting. So, what are those 4 words?
Here it is: WHAT DO YOU WANT?
You must be now wondering how on earth are these words even magical. Let me briefly explain.
When you ask this question you bring your focus and attention on what you really want, rather than focus on what you do no want.
It is also a reminder of your vision and your goal.
This question brings to your mind an image. In order for something to show up in reality, it must first be conceived in imagination.
Saying these 4 words brings a feeling of faith over you. It is not asking what would you like to have. There is no option here. It is a stubbornness that you have. You know what you want and that is that. Being stubborn can be a good quality in that it shows you do not budge from your vision or belief. You are strong.
What do you want? is pushing you to create the thing you want. You will have a thousand reasons that tell you that you cannot have something, but you do not care for reason. The mind is about reason and logic. Things have to make sense to the mind. The heart simply wants to know what you want. The details take care of themselves while you ACT with patient perseverance. You know that cliché “A funny thing happened on way to the market…” Well that is how it works. A funny thing (what you may call a miracle) happens when you go about what you think you need to do to get to what you want.
These 4 words are make you crystal clear about where you are going. No one can journey through the fog. The road must be clear. Only then will you reach your destination. Clarity brings Power.
So, take a pen, grab a page. Write down these 4 words. Stick it on the fridge or door or computer screen.
Spread the message. Spread the love.