The world owes you nothing

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I can complain the world served me a sour fruit. However, I can only come to know it’s sour if I ate that fruit. The world, the people of the world, will serve you all kinds of attitudes and words and actions. You can choose to eat that fruit… Or not.

The world, and the people of this world, owe you nothing. Not even your God owes you anything. Where does it say you that the world is indebted to you?
If anything you owe the world…

This life you were given. How do you even begin to put a value on that?
The complimentary oxygen you are given daily. Do you ever ask where that debt should be paid?
The free daily sunrises and sunsets. Undoubtedly the greatest show on earth. You get front row.
A swimming pool called the ocean which you never clean or can ever swim end to end.

And the world owes you? People owe you? No one owes you anything. You have been given too much. When you begin being grateful for all that you have, you don’t have more things to be grateful for… You simply begin to see how much more you already have.

No one owes you a thing. You are solely responsible for creating what you desire. You are are solely responsible for being great. Support yourself. Be there for you. Be the hero you need. No one is coming to save you. But you can save yourself, and this is the greatest truth of them all and will set you free.


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