Imagine this sort of love

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Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It makes a sunny day, look cloudy

Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It makes mums cooking, taste like take-away

Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It make a baby’s laugh, sound like a whine

Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It makes a rose, look like a blade of grass

Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It makes a sip of water, feel like the desert sand

Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It makes the monsoon, seem like a drought

Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It makes the first day of spring, seem like the last day of Autumn

Imagine a love so beautiful and magnanimous…
It makes the sunrise, seem like the darkest night

Now stop imagining, because you may have experienced Love
before, but you have never tasted the nectar of mine;
For it is beyond reproach and beyond imagination.
I will make all other Love seem like a drop, because I am the ocean.

This is how much I love you.

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