Hello my friends, ({})
There are so many ideas I think are my own, but there is nothing that comes to me when I sit in meditation or when I sit down reflecting on life…that is not already out there. You can’t dream up new spiritual truths. You can only realise them. (Or remember them)
Two things I would like to share with you, that I have done in past, which I recently found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
1. The most powerful moment is the moment between your breath. When u breathe in, you are doing something. When you breath out, you are also doing something. However in that moment between the breath, u do nothing, but simply BE. In that being-ness, there is nothing…silence….a field where everything than can n will be exists in a potential form of infinite possibilities. It is from here that you co-create and manifest. So remember to……BREATHE, go into that silence and reconnect with who you are.
2. It says in the Dead Sea Scrolls that..and I quote “The sons and daughters of man, are made up of 3 perspectives, Thought, Feeling and Body. When these 3 marry, you can say to the mountain move and it will move.” WOW. Let me tell you from what I hear, this is not a metaphor! Its literal. Mountains have moved by d ancient people. You have heard of such things in your own religious text by various people (moses parted the sea, hanumanji carrying the mountain etc) When you think a thought, feel it, REALLY feel it, as if it is REAL and when your body is filled this energy that you start to tear or tremor, you manifest. I could tell u tales of what I have managed to manifest. Its not easy to do! But when you do, WOW WOW WOW.
Affirmations don’t work, until you feel it and become it. Pay attention when you are feeling. When you feel, you creating! God doesn’t hear prayers, He responds to feelings. So true prayer is feeling, not in your words…makes sense? its all about vibration and energy…but you know that already.