Good Morning,
99% of what I share with you I make up when I wake up each morning. We each live in our world, and my world, which you all get a peek of almost ever day, is really quiet interesting. The way I see things and engage with the world is really exciting.
For eg…I wish you could see the beauty of your spirit; how your light shines – especially in times of adversity.
I also look at words and decode them. I think we speak a language so we can be understood, but one that we have never taking the time to UNDERSTAND.
Have you looked the word –
Let’s break the words up.
EX – something from the past
PER – an allocated time in space
I – an illusion of separateness from the world
ENCE – an engagement of the senses
So, to give you my definition of this word: An experience is an activity which has taken place in the past, in which you thought affected only you, that you have committed to memory because you have linked one of your senses to the activity: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.
By this definition, you can never ever experience something in the present moment, EXCEPT – peace & love.
Peace & Love immediately connects you to people. You forget you are separate. When you lose all your senses, the world seizes to exist, what is left is Love. Love is a product of being present and is not something of the past.
I am sharing this with cos in this absolute moment, you cannot experience heart break, you cannot experience being broke or without money, you cannot experience being unwell, you cannot experience being disrespected or used.
“Oh really? bull s***!”
Yes really. How many of u really taken the time to be present? Try it.
Its beautiful.
Look at how bright colours are.
Feel how crisp the air is.
What a blessing to hear a baby laugh.
How amazing to see clouds.
Mmmm…the smell of morning coffee.
The experience of your past does not teach you anything about the future. It was an experience based on your then vibrational state. Not the truth. Eg. Your partner cheating on you, does not mean, all partners will cheat on you. Now please understand, touching a hot plate in the future will burn your hand, playing in traffic again, will break your bones!
That is fact. Your experience with the world is a fluid like unstable state of infinite possible truths that change to fit the shape of your consciousness. Shift in consciousness, shift in the experience.
So be here. Be here now. Be here now in this moment. Be here now in this moment becos it is all you have.