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Good Mornings!!!

There are 3 words I hear everyday, by most people I engage with. Unfortunately the 3 words aren’t “I love you…”

In fact the 3 words that I do hear, are probably the most annoying sound us human beings make. So what are these 3 words? It is:


When someone says this horrible horrible sentence, what they really mean is “I am scared to make a decision,” or “I am too scared to accept the truth.”

The moment you say or affirm you don’t know, you immediately become a victim of things, people and circumstances by default. Ignorance is bliss to the extent that what you don’t know won’t hurt you. The food is always delicious at a restaurant, until you look at the kitchen.
However if you don’t know and you remain ignorant, do you realise that nothing happens in your life? It stops. There is no growth! When people ask me what I do, I usually reply by saying, “I give people information that leads to inspiration, that results in transformation”

It starts with being informed. Information or KNOWING is the first step to change. If you don’t know that you don’t know, you can be excused. If you know that you don’t know, then what is your excuse? BUT if you know that you know…there is no excuse!

When you say “I don’t know” then who knows? Well, someone will know. That someone is the person that will make decisions for you, and I can’t promise that you will like what they decide for you. If you say you don’t know then you are denying yourself of a life experience of something you could enjoy.

I asked someone that I went to the movies with (Man of Steel, check it out, LOVED IT!), if they would like popcorn. They replied, “I don’t know” It turned out that the person did want popcorn, but did not want to wait in the long line. So, after I decided I WANT POPCORN, I took out my S3 (Love this too), and I opened up app and drew a line and I said to the person “Never let a stupid thing like a LINE (pointed to it) deny you from having anything you want. Can you see how much power we give away? And we give it away to really silly things.

See if you can catch yourself saying “I don’t know” and when you do, ask yourself what are you afraid of? Its always some fear. Get into the habit of knowing.

What would you like to order?
I don’t know. (Wrong answer)
What are we watching?
I don’t know. (Wrong answer)
What are doing with your life this weekend?
I don’t know. (Wrong answer)
Can you help me?
I don’t know. (Wrong answer)

I never want to hear these words again.


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