Is choice an illusion?

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Morning beautiful creation of the Universe!

A few days ago, I posed a question to U. Is choice is an illusion? I hope you gave that some thought. It is probably the most profound life understanding question you may ever ask yourself.

When there is no choice to be made, life becomes “easy”. Eg. If you go to a restaurant, and only orange was on offer, you would not need to make a choice as to what to drink. Most people prefer life this way. With everyday being the same, without having to make decisions. They believe and actually live in the illusion that life will be better this way. The definition of the term better is all about perception isn’t it?
While, it might be “better”, it would certainly be boring, and while you complain how about complex life is with all the choices, you will soon complain that there is no choice. Human beings complain when it is hot, they complain when it is cold. Circumstances do not make us happy. I have been miserable without money and with money. Miserable with a gf and without a gf. Nothing in your life has to ever change in order for you to choose to be happy in this moment.

In fact, now that I think about it, and I really write these messages from the heart…I realise that life would not exist without choice. Every nanosecond you are making choices. There are no good or bad choices. Okay, I take that back. They only bad choice, is NOT making a choice.

If you can make decisions/choices in you life without hesitation and with confidence, the Universe will support you in your choice and magic happens. You life changes with you decide.

It is said that to decide is to divide.
That is to separate your ego from your real self, so you bring out the greatness, the leader, the powerful being that you are…OUT.

Don’t be afraid to make choices. Choosing is like breathing. You need it to live. Do not be afraid you might hurt people with your choices. It is IMPOSSIBLE to not hurt someone. But I will explain why tomorrow…

Love, H

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