A few days ago, I found myself on the set of the new Hunters Dry TV advert as an extra. I went to support someone but the truth is the Universe was supporting me.
In those 48 hours I was given a crash course in life. It was incredible.
The following are lessons I learnt:
1. Be spontaneous. Do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do. When you do so, you find your child like persona returning. Then everything becomes a fascination and a joy.
2. Sometimes you aren’t the star of the show. It’s ok to sometimes just be the extra in you life. It’s great to! It gives you an opportunity to observe everything around you from a fresh perspective. It also grounds you.
3. Being an extra doesn’t mean you are less important. Without the extras there is no show. Whatever and whoever you are, you are important.
4. I met a girl on set. I walked by her and something caught my eye. I looked again to make sure I saw correctly. She had a tatoo on her arm that said, “Be the Light” We had a powerful conversation. Her name? Oh her name. Grace! I thanked the Universe for such a beautiful message from this wonderful girl.
5. On set I didn’t see people. All I saw were hopes and dreams waiting to be realistised. It was the most beautiful site ever (besides the hottest women I have ever seen). It was beautiful to see other people being proactive about making it happen. I saw me in each of them.
6. I got paid to do nothing. Literally. I had to relax on the beach and have fun in the sun. The Universe says take a break. Could I do that everyday? Never. My life has other purpose. However, rest is needed. I also learnt that life needn’t be hard and you don’t have to work hard to make money. You can get paid to just sun tan!
7. Nothing is as it appears. The beer we all had in our hand was coloured water. So before you judge… Look inside. Get the truth.
8. I was feeling really guilty to be a part of something such as alcohol as I do not promote and encourage drinking or smoking or meat eating. But the more time I spent there, the more I was proud to be a part of this! Was I contributing to drunk people and the consequences of the actions of drunk people? No! I’m only responsible for my behaviour, for my attitude. You are responsible for yours. Further than that, I saw how people had jobs. How much fun people were having. How talented and skilled they are. I saw that because of this alcoholic advert, some kid of one of these people on set got a meal to eat. Everything is balanced. There is good in bad and bad in good.
There is much more. Ask me when we meet some day. I will gladly share.
For now, embrace the opportunities that come your way. Life is an open university. You are enrolled, class has begun. Pay attention. Learn the lessons.