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When a group of artists got together decades ago to sing, “We are the world” I honestly do not believe many people understood what that meant.

“We are the world” means that there is nothing out there in the world separate from you. YOU are the world. Every person you meet and engage with is a fragment of who you are. If it is true that most people care about themselves more than others, then the reality is you cannot NOT care about others, as they are you. Another’s joy is your joy. Another’s hurt is your hurt. I stand for the philosophy that if “bad” people do horrible things then that is bad! But if “good” people do nothing to rectify this, then this is worse. I hope I make sense.

My belief is that life has 2 purposes.
To Love.
To Serve.
The paradox in that is, you cannot love without serving and you cannot serve without loving.
To love and serve who?
Love and Serve yourself, but above all serve the selves you see outside you – friends, family, strangers. Strangers are only strangers when you have closed your heart to another human being.

It is Mandela Day.
Let’s give away life’s most precious gift. TIME. To give time is to give your life.
Find someone today, give them your time, your attention, your smile, your warmth, your touch, your love, your care…. Give of yourself unconditionally. I don’t know a single person who has given away love and was left empty handed or empty hearted. Love given freely flows back to the heart…. For you are nothing but pure divine Love.

I love you.


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