What does that mean?
Some people think its ‘Hello’ in Hindu. Just a greeting like a lovely ‘Good Morning!’
Namasthe is not a greeting. It is way of connecting to another person.
There are many interpreta
tions of Namasthe, but they are really all variations of the same theme.
“The Divine in me sees the Divine in you”
“The God in me recognises the God in you”
“I honor and respect the soul/spirit in you, that exists in me as well”
Namasthe to me is a single word that when used, breaks all barriers between you and the other person. It crushes the ego, looks beyond the body or mere appearance, and destroys all hate between two people.
Namasthe connects 2 hearts. It is a temporary agreement that we are one. Just for a moment we remember we are not separate. It is “I see you” for what and who you really are. It is “I see me” and as I would not want to hurt or harm myself, I would not want to harm you.
It really is the union of not just hearts, but spirit as well. 2 spirits engaging in a beautiful dance.
Namasthe reminds us of our truth. That we are beings of love. Connected eternally.
All of this happens in just half a second.