No attachment No expectation

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Good morning,

Knowing spiritual law is one thing. Actually integrating it to be become part of you – IS a whole other thing, which can really only be accomplished with meditation.

Byron Katie is well known for teaching, “Loving what is”. To expand on that – To love what is, you have to accept what is, to accept what is, you have to make peace with what is, to make peace with what is, you have to surrender what is, and know that what is, is perfect and good for your higher self.

Any conflict or issue that you have with another person or situation is really only one with yourself. Therefore the only person you need to forgive and make peace with is really yourself.

Loving what is, means loving without reason, and loving without condition, and even more importantly – loving without attachment. It is merely being present with all that is in this moment, the way it is, never wanting to change a single thing. You look at the person, and you neither want or demand a single thing from them. You look  at situation, and you neither want it any differently or feel uncomfortable.

Today, commit to – no matter what anyone has done, or not done, said or not said, or no matter how the situation may appear – simply allow it to be. You see, when you do this, you become the most powerful person on earth. Your emotions are not allowed to create commotions. You come to know peace. You experience peace. You are peace. It is from here, that the doors to your every heart’s desire open. When I say here is mean -that vibrational state-

To Love what is, implies you have no expectations. No expectations on people. No expectations on outcomes. To expect is to attach, to attach is what the ancient Vedas and the Buddha said, brings about suffering.

There is only suffering in expectation and attachment.

We all want 3 things, to feel love, to feel peace and to feel bliss. Those 3 can only be attained in LETTING GO, and it is so easy.
Just decide. Make a choice. I have a zen like quote that says “When there is nothing you can do, then do nothing”
Be with what is. Love what is. and watch your world transform.

I thank a certain person, for really making me realise this. There are no paths that cross without reason. But always, let that reason be Love.

To this person I say – Namasthe – “The Spirit in me, respects and honors the Spirit in u”


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