Peace is letting go

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Good Morning friends…

The greatest freedom is in the knowing that no one is ever doing anything to you.
This spiritual law then makes the following statements/questions null invoid:

“How could they/he/she do that to me.”
“Why did they/he/she do that to me?”
“I don’t know why they/he/she treats me like that.”

The quicker you come to the realisation that it is all you, the sooner you start to take more responsibility of your feelings and circumstances in your life. We teach people how to treat us – and as you may already know communication is 70% non verbal.

The degree of “love and support” that u allow yourself to receive from the people in your life is directly proportional to the amount of love and support you give yourself.

Now replace the words “love and support” above with any of the ffg:
respect, attention, time, energy, confidence, opportunities, peace…and it goes on.

People can only reflect to you that which is in you. That which is you. 

So in reality, there is no one to forgive but yourself. There is no one to be angry with, there is no one to hate, no one to curse…

Wayne Dyer says “Infinite patience gives you instant results.” What this means is not that you will immediately receive what you want, but when you have infinite patience, you let go; peace becomes yours permanently. Isn’t peace what we all really want anyway? Really. Because when you have all the money in the world, all you may want is a good nights peaceful sleep without having to worry about who will take it all.

Make peace with yourself & you shall make peace with world.

Peace. Peace. Peace.
Or as it is said in Hinduism…

Om shanti shanti shanti


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